Multimedia and technology in teaching and learning - Office for Advancement  of Learning and Teaching - Hong Kong Metropolitan University

In previous weeks, we learned multimedia applications such as infographics and storytelling videos and how to evaluate multimedia. All multimedia applications in teaching and learning aim to stimulate students’ interest in education and maintain long-term knowledge retention. I will use the storytelling video to discuss its application to teaching and learning below.

Why I Choose Storytelling Video

I shared my video for another course in Blog#6. This video is made for a customer research questionnaire. Before making the video, I had thought of many ways to present my ideas, such as PowerPoint slides or sketch noting. Finally, I chose to make an animated storytelling video because I felt the audience could get the most out of my ideas in the minimum time possible.

Rogoznyj (2021) shared, “Video storytelling is a marketing strategy that uses the video format to share a narrative that helps boost your brand awareness with viewers.” An animated storytelling video is more appealing to the viewer and reaches a broader audience than a live video. In addition, children prefer watching animated films or cartoons during childhood because they are more accessible and do not require thinking.

An interesting speech for visual storytelling presentation

How I Demonstrate It to My Project

When making the video, it was a little difficult for me to add subtitles because I was not using video editing software. Therefore, for accessibility, I recommended using real-time translation software for all viewers.

More steps for my video can refer to my Blog#6.

Here are some tips I learned from previous course material:

  • Immerse your audience in a story.
  • Tell a personal story.
  • Create suspense.
  • Bring characters to life.
  • Show. Don’t tell.
  • Build up to a STAR moment.
  • End with a positive takeaway.
How to become a great storyteller

Audience Feedback and Future Development

One audience told me it would be better to share some images of my example. The audience can visually understand my idea.

I did not follow the fifth tip above. In my video, I told the audience about the structure of my ideas, but I did not show them what it is. I will add more visual elements to my future videos to make them more attractive and allow the viewer to understand the message more straightforwardly.

Final Version of My Video

In the structure section, I add sample pictures to help the audience understand my idea better.

click here

Storytelling Video in Marketing

Video storytelling is much more than a sales pitch, as it focuses on a story rather than a product. It is immersive and powerful, and very effective in driving engagement.” (Matthew, 2020). Often, advertisements with a sense of storytelling are more appealing than others. People are drawn in by the plot and unconsciously become interested in the product, enhancing the product’s memorability. In addition, the product may be on the viewer’s future shopping list.

An example of storytelling advertisement

Storytelling Video in Teaching and Learning

Let’s consider the new knowledge we are about to learn as a commodity, with the learner as our potential consumer and the teacher as the producer who needs to market their goods. Creating a storytelling video incorporating all the information can help students better grasp concepts and develop long-term memory.

The Power of Storytelling in teaching

Applied to Merrill’s principles, existing knowledge is activated into new knowledge, integrated into the learner’s world, and used by them. Storytelling videos will boost classroom enthusiasm and engage active learning.


Matthews, K. (2020). How video storytelling works and why it’s a powerful marketing tool. Retrieved from:

Mngwide. (n.d.). Boost classroom enthusiasm with storytelling videos. Retrieved from:

Product Mindset. (2021). Product Framework: Storytelling for Product Managers. Retrieved from:

Rogoznyj, A. (2021). What is video storytelling?. Retrieved from: